Sportsurewin welcome investors from around the world to benefit from sports arbitrage trading.
Partnering with us ensures a weekly return upto 20% until your investment reaches 300%.
Mr Tom invested $500 on 16.02.2009.He gets a 10% welcome bonus and investment enters our pool which is $3500 and this money is used in Sports Arbitrage trading.Mr Tom recieves weekly interest on its investment until he gets $1500.
Our preferred deposit method is LIBERTYRESERVE.
Mininum investment is $50.00
Maximum investment is $2500.00
Sportsurewin offers a 10% bonus on all deposit as a welcome bonus.This bonus is limited per libertyreserve account and email address.
If you do not have an account you can open right away by clicking the picture below:

Investors can invest in Sportsurewin by depositing to our Libertyreserve account:U7201127
Once your fund is received,you will be officially notified and given an investment ID.
Your investment will enter Sportsurewin pool and traded in sports arbitrage.
You can directly make spend to our account U7201127.Please provide your email address for future correspondence.
Our reliable partner for e-currency exchanges are:
We use these exchanges to move funds from Libertyreserve to our bank account and credit cards.
To Partner with Sportsurewin now click submit at the bottom of this page:
The sum of our daily profit will be paid on a weekly basis.(on Monday at 12:00GMT).
All payments will be made through Libertyreserve only.
Investors are allowed to withdraw their investment within a 21 day period.
No withdrawal request will be accepted after 21 days.However your investment will continue to bear interest and you shall be paid until you get 300% of your invested amount.
Investors can make multiple investments.However each investment will be treated as one entity.
You will be paid weekly interest on each of your investment.
Click Submit to invest.

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